Coaches Code of Ethics and Conduct


Coaches Code of Ethics and Conduct

What is a Code of Ethics and Conduct?

A code defines what is considered good and correct behaviour of all British Triathlon coaches. It reflects the values held by the coaching profession, and outlines the expected conduct of members while they perform their duties. It will also be used as a benchmark to assess whether certain behaviours are acceptable or not acceptable. As a qualified triathlon coach, you are expected to adhere to this code of ethics and conduct at all times.

The code of conduct is divided into 5 key areas:

Respect for Participants

The principle of respect for athletes challenges coaches to act in a manner respectful of the dignity of those involved in triathlon. This principle is based on the assumption that each person has value and is worthy of respect and free from harassment. Acting with respect for participant’s means that coaches do not make some participants feel more or less worthy than others, on the basis of; gender, race, place of origin, athletic potential, colour, sexual orientation, religion, political beliefs, socio-economic status, marital status, age or any form of disability.

Integrity in Relationships

Developing professional relationships with individuals is a central role of being an effective coach. However, it must be recognised that behaving with integrity is crucial, and coaches will be expected to be honest, sincere, and honourable in their relationships with participants and others.

Triathlon coaches:

  • Must not engage in behaviour that constitutes any form of abuse (physical, sexual, emotional, neglect, bullying)
  • Should promote the welfare and best interests of their triathletes
  • Must have a high degree of self-awareness and the ability to reflect critically on how your values and opinions influence others
  • Must avoid sexual intimacy with triathletes, while coaching them
  • Should empower triathletes to be responsible for their own decisions
  • Should clarify the nature of the coaching services being offered to triathletes in advance
  • Should communicate and cooperate with other organisations and individuals in the best interests of the triathletes
  • Follow the appropriate welfare guidelines and take the necessary actions if they have a concern over the wellbeing of a child


Responsibilities: Personal Standards

Triathlon coaches must demonstrate proper personal behaviour and conduct at all times.

Triathlon coaches:

  • Must be fair, honest and considerate to triathletes and others in the sport, e.g. officials, club members, race organisers
  • Make a personal commitment to providing a quality service to participants at all times
  • Should not be under the influence of alcohol when operating in the professional capacity as the coach, this includes travelling to and from as well as delivering sessions
  • Must be a positive role model for triathletes, the club and the sport of triathlon throughout Great Britain
  • Take pride in being a coach, this includes, projecting an image of health, well-dressed, hygiene, appearance, and use of appropriate language and actionsProfessional ResponsibilitiesThe principle of coaching responsibilities carries the expectation that the activities of all coaches
    will benefit society in general, and athletes in particular, and will do no harm. Fundamental to the implementation of this principle is the notion of competence, which implies that coaches should be well-prepared and possesses up-to-date knowledge of triathlon so they will be able to maximise benefits and minimize risk to the athletes.Triathlon coaches will:
  • Ensure that the environment is as safe as possible for training and competition, taking into account and minimizing possible risks
  • Any physical contact with athletes should be appropriate to the situation; necessary for the athletes skill development– always ask prior permission if contact is required
  • Promote the execution of safe and correct practice at all times
  • Be professional in their work and accept responsibility for their actions
  • Make a commitment to providing a quality service to their triathletes
  • Recognise the power inherent in the position as a coach
  • Contribute to the development of triathlon coaching by exchanging knowledge and ideas with others
  • Acknowledge the limitations of their knowledge and competence
  • Obtain appropriate triathlon coaching qualifications to the level of operation required
  • Ensure they hold a valid and appropriate insurance policy for their coaching activities

Fair Play Principles

Coaches and athletes alike should abide by the principles of fair play during training and competition. Applying fair play principles implies that all those involved in sport recognize the importance of fairness, a respectful attitude and appropriate conduct when engaging in triathlon related activities, and agree to model and promote them at all times.

The following are examples of fair play behaviours for coaches, athlete’s, officials and parents:

• Follow all the rules and never seek to deliberately break a rule
• Aim to compete fairly, using talent and ability to win; refuse to win by illegal means or by cheating • Respect all race and technical officials, and their decisions, without doubting their integrity
• Recognise and acknowledge good performances by others
• Maintain dignity in all circumstances, and demonstrate self-control
• For the coaches – know the rules and regulations well, and apply them with impartiality at all times

Breaches of the Code of Conduct

British Triathlon qualified coaches will at all times represents their role and their participants in a way which reflects positively on their club, National Governing Body and the UK-wide coaching profession. All complaints will be dealt with according to the relevant Home Nation Association ‘Complaints and Disciplinary Procedures’.
